Avatar (Complete Score)
Music Composed by James Horner
01. ‘You Don’t Dream In Cryo’
02. Quaritch Speech
03. First Look
04. Real Legs
05. Jake Enters His Avatar World
06. Into the Na’Vi World
07. Thanator Chase Pt. 1
08. Thanator Chase Pt. 2
09. Pure Spirits of The Forest
10. Jake Meets the Na’Vi
11. Na’Vi Hometree Chant
12. Na’Vi Hometree Chant 2W
13. Jake Sleeps
14. The Plan
15. (From 4M1) The Plan
16. The Village – Jake’s First Ride
17. End The Floating Mountains Pt. 3
18. Mid 1 The Floating Mountains Pt. 2
19. Start The Floating Mountains Pt. 1
20. Becoming One of ‘The People’
21. Night Iridescence
01. Climbing Up Iknimaya
02. Jake’s First Flight
03. Intro
04. Great Leonoptryx
05. A Man of My Word
06. Mated For Life
07. Scorched Earth
08. Quaritch Pulls The Plug
09. No Reasoning
10. (From 1M4 Quaritch Speech)
11. vQuaritch
12. The Destruction of Home Tree
13. Shutting Down Grace’s Lab
14. Escape from Hellgate
15. Help for Grace
16. Bonding With Leonoptryx
17. Funeral Chant
18. Prayers for Grace
19. Grace’s Death
20. Gathering the Na’Vi Clans for Battle
21. Quaritch Takes Over
01. Battle Plan
02. Jake Prays to Eywa
03. War
04. The Battle Continues
05. Quaritch Down
06. Fight to the Death
07. A New Beginning
08. Jake’s First Flight End Credit Edit
09. Gathering The Na’Vi Clans End Credit Edit