De Olhos Bem Fechado de Stanley Kubrick – Trilha Sonora Original Eyes Wide Shut: Music From The Motion Picture Soundtrack 1. Musica Ricercata, II...
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De Olhos Bem Fechado de Stanley Kubrick – Trilha Sonora Original Eyes Wide Shut: Music From The Motion Picture Soundtrack 1. Musica Ricercata, II...
O Mistério das Duas Irmãs (Trilha Sonora) The Uninvited (Original Score) Music composed by Christopher Young 1. The Uninvited 2. Twice Told Tales 3....
O Iluminado – Trilha Sonora Original Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining (Stephen King) – Original Sound Track 1. Main Title “The Shining” 2. Rocky Mountains...
Presságio – Trilha Sonora OriginalKnowing – Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Music by Marco Beltrami 1. Main Titles2. Door Jam3. EMT4. John And Caleb5. New...
La Carlotta (Minnie Driver) é a diva de uma conceituada companhia teatral, que é responsável pelas óperas realizadas em um imponente teatro. Temperamental, La...
The Matrix: Music From The Motion Picture by Various Artists 1. Rock Is Dead – Marilyn Manson 2. Spybreak! – Propellerheads (short one) 3....
Ruas de Fogo – Trilha SonoraStreets Of Fire – Soundtrack (1984) 1. Nowhere Fast – Fire Inc. 2. Sorcerer – Marilyn Martin 3. Deeper...
Sunshine – Alerta Solar Trilha SonoraDanny Boyle’s Sunshine – Music from the motion picture soundtrack (2007) Music composed by John Murphy & Underworld 1....
Extermínio 2 (28 Semanas Depois) – Trilha Sonora28 Weeks Later – Soundtrack Music composed by John Murphy 1. 28 Theme2. Welcome to Britain3. Helicopter...
Extermínio (28 Dias Depois) – Trilha Sonora28 Days Later – The Soundtrack Album Original score composed by John Murphy 1. The Beginning2. Rage3. The...