O Apanhador De Sonhos (Trilha Sonora Original)Dreamcatcher (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Stephen King Music composed by James Newton Howard 1. Main Title 2. Finding...
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O Apanhador De Sonhos (Trilha Sonora Original)Dreamcatcher (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Stephen King Music composed by James Newton Howard 1. Main Title 2. Finding...
Music composed by Christophe Beck 1. Main Titles 2. The Mall 3. Sanctuary 4. Garrison’s Polygraph 5. Union Station 6. Cars and Guns 7....
Entre o Céu e o Inferno – Trilha SonoraBlack Snake Moan – Soundtrack 1. Opening Theme – Scott Bomar2. Ain’t But One Kind of...
Music composed by Ennio Morricone 1. The Untouchables (End Title) 2. Al Capone 3. Waiting At The Border 4. Death Theme 5. On The...
1408 Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Music composed by Gabriel Yared 1. 10 Haunted Hotels2. Dolphin Hotel3. Room 14084. Doppelganger5. Katie’s Theme6. Ship in a...
O Piano – Trilha SonoraThe Piano – Soundtrack Original Music composed by Michael Nyman 1. To The Edge Of The Earth2. Big My Secret3....
Anjos e Demonios – Trilha Sonora Angels and Demons – Soundtrack Music composed by Hans Zimmer 1. I60 BPM 2. God Particle 3. Air...
O Nevoeiro – Trilha SonoraThe Mist – Soundtrack Music composed by Mark Isham 1. Won’t Somebody See a Lady Home?2. Tentacles3. Bugs4. Mist5. Spiders6....
As últimas 12 horas da vida de Jesus de Nazaré (James Caviezel). No meio da noite, Jesus é traído por Judas (Luca Lionello) e...