De Olhos Bem Fechado de Stanley Kubrick – Trilha Sonora Original Eyes Wide Shut: Music From The Motion Picture Soundtrack 1. Musica Ricercata, II...
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De Olhos Bem Fechado de Stanley Kubrick – Trilha Sonora Original Eyes Wide Shut: Music From The Motion Picture Soundtrack 1. Musica Ricercata, II...
O Mistério das Duas Irmãs (Trilha Sonora) The Uninvited (Original Score) Music composed by Christopher Young 1. The Uninvited 2. Twice Told Tales 3....
O Iluminado – Trilha Sonora Original Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining (Stephen King) – Original Sound Track 1. Main Title “The Shining” 2. Rocky Mountains...
Presságio – Trilha Sonora OriginalKnowing – Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Music by Marco Beltrami 1. Main Titles2. Door Jam3. EMT4. John And Caleb5. New...
La Carlotta (Minnie Driver) é a diva de uma conceituada companhia teatral, que é responsável pelas óperas realizadas em um imponente teatro. Temperamental, La...
The Matrix: Music From The Motion Picture by Various Artists 1. Rock Is Dead – Marilyn Manson 2. Spybreak! – Propellerheads (short one) 3....
Ruas de Fogo – Trilha SonoraStreets Of Fire – Soundtrack (1984) 1. Nowhere Fast – Fire Inc. 2. Sorcerer – Marilyn Martin 3. Deeper...
Sunshine – Alerta Solar Trilha SonoraDanny Boyle’s Sunshine – Music from the motion picture soundtrack (2007) Music composed by John Murphy & Underworld 1....
Extermínio 2 (28 Semanas Depois) – Trilha Sonora28 Weeks Later – Soundtrack Music composed by John Murphy 1. 28 Theme2. Welcome to Britain3. Helicopter...
Extermínio (28 Dias Depois) – Trilha Sonora28 Days Later – The Soundtrack Album Original score composed by John Murphy 1. The Beginning2. Rage3. The...
The Devil’s Rejects – Soundtrack
Kill Bill: Volume 1 (2003)1. Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) – Nancy Sinatra 2. That Certain Female – Charlie Feathers 3. The...
300 – Original Motion Picture Soundtrack | Trilha Sonora Original Music by Tyler Bates 1. To Victory 2. The Agoge 3. The Wolf 4....
Music composed by Mark Snow 01. Introitus Praeceps Transito Spatium 02. Meteria Primoris The X-Files Theme (Main Title) 03. Raptus 04. Adflatus 05. Deverbero...
Piratas do Caribe: A Maldição do Pérola Negra – Trilha Sonora OriginalPirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl – Original Soundtrack...
Piratas do Caribe 2 – O Baú da Morte – Trilha Sonora OriginalPirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest – Original Soundtrack Music composed...
Anjos da Noite 3: A Revolução – Trilha Sonora (Vários Artistas) Underworld 3: The Rise of the Lycans – Soundtrack 1. Lighten Up Francis...
Orgulho e Preconceito – Trilha Sonora Pride and Prejudice – Soundtrack Music by Dario Marianelli 1. Dawn 2. Stars And Butterflies 3. The Living...
Music composed by Gerard Marino, Mike Reagan 01. Escape From Madness02. The Vengeful Spartan03. Kratos and the Sea04. Have Faith05. The Splendor of Athens06....
Coração Valente: Trilha Sonora OriginalBraveheart: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Music composed by James Horner 1. Main Title2. Gift of a Thistle, A3. Wallace Courts...